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Budgie careBudgie care is not an overly difficult task and when done properly it will allow your budgie to have a healthy and happy life. Budgies make very good pets as they are very freindly and playful, the main requirements for caring for budgies is the supply of water, food and shelter, and although those requirements appear straightforward enough, some degree of knowledge is needed.
The above criteria is just basic common sense which should always be applied to the welfare of any caged animal or pet. Food is obviously a very important factor to all living creatures but it must be remembered that once an animal is removed from its natural habitat the normal feeding pattern can change completely. Budgies, for example, when in the wild will fly many miles in their search for food, these foods which consists mainly of grass seed and wild fruits. To help maintain good health in budgies, vegetables such as Broccoli, Cauliflower leaves, Cabbage leaves, Carrots, Cucumber, Tomato and Turnip should be supplied as part ot the regular diet, alongside dry seeds. Food and water feeders should be changed regularly and any spillage, especially water, should be dried as best as possible. Water allowed to soak into wood will cause damp patches, which in turn can lead to mould and so cause infections in budgies, or any caged animal for that matter. Cages should be kept clean and the removal of seed husks and feathers is important to the birds well-being, there is also the added advantage of quickly removed waste not ending up on the room floor or surroundings. Good budgie care is not just about keeping your budgie fed and watered, although that is obviously a major concern, but attention should be paid to placement of cages also, the cage should not be in the path of a direct draught, whether it be a warm or cold draught. It is not advisable to place a cage in front of a window, sunlight focused through a glass window can often achieve dangerous heat levels for a small animal or bird. Cages should not be placed in an area which is likely to be affected by drastic temperature changes, sudden changes from warm to cold or vice versa can lead to birds developing colds or chest problems. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to |